All these free printable templates can fit in an A4 sheet perfectly! You can also print them in black and white.
Free letter to santa kit packages
Letter to Santa print out
There are a lot of choices! Letter to Santa Claus decorated with a small picture of full page letterhead. With lines, or no. With sample "Dear Santa" text, or no. Envelopes blank, or including post stamp.The whole Christmas collection of printables online here on includes coloring pages, patterns and more than 300 templates for writing letter to Santa Claus.
These Letter to Santa Claus kit packages include:
-More than 100 Letter to Santa blank letterheads
-More than 100 Ready Letter to Santa templates with sample text
-More than 100 Letter to Santa blank envelopes and envelopes with post stamp
Enjoy writing a nice letter to Santa Claus! It's free!