Printable Trace the lowercase letters worksheets PDF

Research has shown that tracing is an activity that strengthens handwriting by helping children recognize the shape a letter takes while also practicing appropriate size of the letter and correct formation of the letter. These tracing worksheets are ideal for kids at the Kindergarten or at the 1st Grade. Their exercises are about how to trace every lowwercase letter of the english alphabet.

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Prewriting is so important before children learn the letters and the numbers! See also our free tracing lines worksheets!

Let the children enjoy learning, by tracing the small letters of the english alphabet!

Suitable for Pre-Junior ESL learners (PREA1).

Lower case letters are the shorter and smaller versions of upper case letters (also called capital letters). Some lower case letters look completely different from their upper case counterparts, however. For example, 'a' is the lower case version of 'A' and 'w' is the lower case version of 'W'.
These are the current, modern English letters:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

On these worksheets children can practice on lowercase letters of English alphabet.

There are two exercises, each one asks for coloring an image reffering to the specific letter of the alphabet and then for tracing the letter.


All  alphabet handwriting worksheets can fit in A4 sheet perfectly!


Color the apple and then trace the letter “a”.
Color the bag and then trace the letter “b”.
Color the cat and then trace the letter “c”.
Color the dog and then trace the letter “d”.
Color the egg and then trace the letter “e”.
Color the fish and then trace the letter “f”.
Color the goat and then trace the letter “g”.
Color the hat and then trace the letter “h”.
Color the insect and then trace the letter “i”.
Color the jelly and then trace the letter “j”.
Color the key and then trace the letter “k”.
Color the lemon and then trace the letter “l”.
Color the mouse and then trace the letter “m”.
Color the notebook and then trace the letter “n”.
Color the octopus and then trace the letter “o”.
Color the parrot and then trace the letter “p”.
Color the queen and then trace the letter “q”.
Color the ring and then trace the letter “r”.
Color the sun and then trace the letter “s”.
Color the tree and then trace the letter “t”.
Color the umbrella and then trace the letter “u”.
Color the vase and then trace the letter “v”.
Color the wallet and then trace the letter “w”.
Color the box and then trace the letter “x”.
Color the yo-yo and then trace the letter “y”.
Color the zip and then trace the letter “z”.
Color the picture and the letter. Then, practice.


Free English Alphabet Worksheets in PDF image format.
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Find here all Alphabet Tracing worksheets