Ready letter to Santa Claus Printable template
Wondering how to create your own letter to Santa Claus? How to type a letter to send him?
Now it is so easy! Just click on the link below and print for free a nice ready to print letter to Santa with sample text inside, where you have only to complete name, age and ...presents for Xmas! Don't forget to write your address, to , if you are one of them that are waiting for Santa's response!!!

Ready to send sample text letter to Santa Claus
These ready letters to Santa are a part of the whole Christmas collection of, where you can find the same themed Letter to Santa writing sets for children, preschool, Kindergarten... Be sure, these are the best free templates for letter to Santa! These ready Santa letter templates can fit in an A4 sheet perfectly!
You can also print them in black and white.
Do you need a perfect envelope, same themed, for your Santa Claus letter? Find here more than 80 brilliant ready to print!
Ready letter "Dear Santa" sample text
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas! I hope you are doing well.
My name is (Emma) and I am (7) years old.
This year I was (quite nice...)
I would be very happy if you could bring me:
(a new bike and a few coloring books)
Discover the whole Christmas printables collection
Cute and weird letters to Santa
Dear Santa and helpers,I have been very good this year. I am expecting a little sister. I don’t want her. Momy says her will be fun. I heard girls stink. I will trade you my sister when she comes from the stork for a elf. I want a race car and a Garage set for Christmas. There will be sugar cookies and burritos waiting for you. Thank you, Santa.
Dear Santa,
if you bring presents with batteries please bring batteries!
Dear Santa,
I hope you get a lot of presents and a Happy Merry Cristmas! (and you are fat!)
Find below the whole collection of ready letters to Santa, with text.